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  • Stay prepared when extreme weather is approaching
Weather resources for individuals

Supporting you and your family when the skies darken


Stay prepared when extreme weather is approaching

Below are resources to support you and your family when prepping for inclement weather.


Hurricanes | Severe storms | Winter storms | Wildfires | Hail  | Tornadoes | Freezing temperatures


Quick tips before a hurricane

  1. Shut doors and tape windows and glass doors. Use storm shutters or plywood nailed to window frames to protect windows.
  2. Close all interior doors to help reduce wind damage.
  3. Move items inside as they may blow around during the storm and cause damage.
  4. Fill your car and generator with gas and keep extra fuel handy in approved containers and in a safe location.
  5. Park your car in the garage.

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    Severe storms

    Quick tips before a storm

    1. Move items inside as they may blow around during the storm and cause damage.
    2. Park your car in the garage.
    3. Close all interior doors to help reduce wind damage.
    4. If you have a sump pump, ensure that it is working. Secure a battery backup if possible.
    5. Close drapes, blinds and window shades. If there is hail, this will keep wind from blowing broken glass inside

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      Winter storms

      Quick tips before the storm

      1. Charge your phone and electronic devices.
      2. Set your heat to 60 degrees or higher and put your refrigerator on the coldest setting.
      3. Know where the main water shutoff is and how it works (in case pipes freeze).
      4. Fill your car and generator with gas and keep extra fuel handy.
      5. Keep home ventilation clear and shovel out vents.

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      If you are evacuating your home when a fire is approaching

      1. Shut off gas at the meter or propane at the tank.
      2. Create a defensible space around your home by moving brush, mulch and other flammable objects and materials away from your home.
      3. Move outdoor materials and furniture indoors.
      4. Turn off HVAC to keep out smoke and cover vents.
      5. Install fire-resistant shutters or plywood to help protect from radiant heat and embers.

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      Quick tips during a storm

      1. Seek shelter if you are outside and protect your head from hail.
      2. Remain inside and stay away from windows.
      3. Do not use phones or electrical outlets during a severe hailstorm where lightning is present or you risk electrocution .
      4. Safely pull over to the side of the road if you are driving, close your sunroof cover and position yourself away from the sunroof to avoid shattered glass.


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      Quick tips before a tornado

      1. Check for family or neighbors who may have been injured or trapped. Do not move injured people; call 911.

      2. Reconnect with a designated family member who is unlikely to have been affected by the tornado.

      3. Inspect gas, electrical and water lines carefully for damage. If unfamiliar with what to look for, call a professional or emergency services.

      4. Document any property damage with photos and videos and save receipts for immediate repairs made to prevent further damage.

      5. Avoid touching power lines and assume downed power lines are live.

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      Freezing temperatures

      Quick tips before the cold

      1. Set the heat to at least 60 degrees both during the day and night.
      2. Shut off outdoor water sources.
      3. Locate your internal water shut-off valve and learn how to use it.
      4. Insulate exposed pipes using blankets, Styrofoam or swimming pool water noodles. This could include pipes in unheated areas like attics, garages or kitchen cabinets.

      Additional resources

      See more tips and resources 

      Other weather event resources

      How to handle a power outage in cold weather

      Emergency preparedness resources

      Emergency preparedness tips for homeowners



      Stay prepared when extreme weather is approaching

      Below are resources to support you and your family when prepping for inclement weather.


      Hurricanes | Severe storms | Winter storms | Wildfires | Hail  | Tornadoes | Freezing temperatures


      Quick tips before a hurricane

      1. Shut doors and tape windows and glass doors. Use storm shutters or plywood nailed to window frames to protect windows.
      2. Close all interior doors to help reduce wind damage.
      3. Move items inside as they may blow around during the storm and cause damage.
      4. Fill your car and generator with gas and keep extra fuel handy in approved containers and in a safe location.
      5. Park your car in the garage.

        Additional resources

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        Severe storms

        Quick tips before a storm

        1. Move items inside as they may blow around during the storm and cause damage.
        2. Park your car in the garage.
        3. Close all interior doors to help reduce wind damage.
        4. If you have a sump pump, ensure that it is working. Secure a battery backup if possible.
        5. Close drapes, blinds and window shades. If there is hail, this will keep wind from blowing broken glass inside

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          Winter storms

          Quick tips before the storm

          1. Charge your phone and electronic devices.
          2. Set your heat to 60 degrees or higher and put your refrigerator on the coldest setting.
          3. Know where the main water shutoff is and how it works (in case pipes freeze).
          4. Fill your car and generator with gas and keep extra fuel handy.
          5. Keep home ventilation clear and shovel out vents.

          Additional resources

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          If you are evacuating your home when a fire is approaching

          1. Shut off gas at the meter or propane at the tank.
          2. Create a defensible space around your home by moving brush, mulch and other flammable objects and materials away from your home.
          3. Move outdoor materials and furniture indoors.
          4. Turn off HVAC to keep out smoke and cover vents.
          5. Install fire-resistant shutters or plywood to help protect from radiant heat and embers.

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          Quick tips during a storm

          1. Seek shelter if you are outside and protect your head from hail.
          2. Remain inside and stay away from windows.
          3. Do not use phones or electrical outlets during a severe hailstorm where lightning is present or you risk electrocution .
          4. Safely pull over to the side of the road if you are driving, close your sunroof cover and position yourself away from the sunroof to avoid shattered glass.


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          Quick tips before a tornado

          1. Check for family or neighbors who may have been injured or trapped. Do not move injured people; call 911.

          2. Reconnect with a designated family member who is unlikely to have been affected by the tornado.

          3. Inspect gas, electrical and water lines carefully for damage. If unfamiliar with what to look for, call a professional or emergency services.

          4. Document any property damage with photos and videos and save receipts for immediate repairs made to prevent further damage.

          5. Avoid touching power lines and assume downed power lines are live.

          Additional resources


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          Freezing temperatures

          Quick tips before the cold

          1. Set the heat to at least 60 degrees both during the day and night.
          2. Shut off outdoor water sources.
          3. Locate your internal water shut-off valve and learn how to use it.
          4. Insulate exposed pipes using blankets, Styrofoam or swimming pool water noodles. This could include pipes in unheated areas like attics, garages or kitchen cabinets.

          Additional resources

          See more tips and resources 

          Other weather event resources

          How to handle a power outage in cold weather

          Emergency preparedness resources

          Emergency preparedness tips for homeowners